Welcome to
Victory Turbine
We have power
down to a science.
We are an enterprise dedicated to the innovation, development, manufacturing and servicing within the energy market. Our primary goal is to bring together the regulatory bodies with engineering and maintenance in order to drive safety, technology and environmental solutions for balance of plant (BOP) equipment. We utilize feedback received from sales and services teams to help us steer solutions for additional improvements and efficiency upgrades.
Power Augmentation
Victory Turbine is an independent representative for Caldwell Energy’s fogging and wet compression technology for OEM equipment. Providing inlet CFD analysis, along with matched components and advanced controls, the Caldwell Energy offering of gas turbine power augmentation products is a viable alternative to high end chillers and other alternative measures.
Component and Equipment Design
We have access to some of the most innovative and cost effective pumps, valves and VFDs for the power generation market. We can sell these individually, and design them into a package to meet any OEM specifications. For an evaluation of your needs, or estimated power gains from our inlet solutions offering, contact us today.
Peak Energy Production
Victory Turbine offers a broad range of water wash skids, from simple variable-pressure, trailer mounted units to the patented high pressure, heated stationary units. Our services can include measuring the conductivity of the wash sample (a good measure of water soluble contamination), as well as non-volatile testing for hydro-carbon based contamination.
Biomass SolutionsTurbine Solutions